Sunday, May 13, 2012

Woods and Water - Spring Hiking

Today some friends and I headed out into the woods and along the shore of Lake Superior to do some hiking, despite some rather wintery weather! As kind of a parody/tribute of a favorite Blues Brothers quote of mine, I put on my Facebook page: "Its May 16, gusty winds, 32 degrees, its snowing.... and we're going hiking. Hit it!"
The weather may have been less than desirable, but it was still a great day to be out in the woods. Our morning was peppered with snow showers, at times even while the sun was shining! The snowflakes falling in the sunlight looked like little jewels falling from the sky.

After our woods hike, the skies were clearing and it was starting to warm up a little, so we decided to tromp through the woods to a remote part of the Lake Superior shoreline. The hike through the woods to get to the shoreline was quite rough... more like a jungle than anything, and we had to climb over a LOT of downed trees, but once we got to the shoreline the struggle was worth it.

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